
アフィリエイト広告 Research

Business Persons Essential: How to Effectively Use Newspapers

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What interests do your clients have today? It's not just about the products you recommend.

They might bring up topics from anywhere, yesterday's sports results, political news, incidents, or weather forecasts. By checking the news daily, you'll be able to engage in various conversations.

Stay informed so you don't get caught off guard when someone says, "As a professional, you should be up to date with the news.", which is often a saying in Japan.

Stay Informed About Your Industry


Stay tuned for the news topic with your clients. Did today's news mention about your company? Perhaps there's information about personnel changes at a business partner or an ad for a new product. In business, information is the most powerful tool. Local news and industry journals provide valuable insights that can significantly benefit to the works including the investors. Make it a habit to keep up with the latest happenings in your industry, and also be keen to learn more about it.

Start with Top News Headlines

The most important articles of the day are featured at the top of the news paper. Even if the articles are long, just reading the headlines gives you a good overview. It takes only 30 seconds to read the top 3-5 headlines, ensuring you're never out of touch with current events.

Journalist Akira Ikegami offers the following tips for reading newspapers:

  • Start with 5 minutes a day.
  • Begin with reading only the articles that interest you.
  • There's no need to read every article.
  • Enjoy the reading process.

Perfectionists often struggle with an all-or-nothing mindset, leading to either thorough reading or complete avoidance. It is ok to miss a day, but it is not worth if you started reading and stopping that habit.

Scanning Headlines Effectively


Skim through the newspaper, focusing on headlines that catch your eye. If you want to know more, read the full article. If you're short on time, skip the jargon and focus on the main points. Let's save interesting articles for later by taking screenshots.

Using the newspaper app's page view offers distinct advantages. In the digital version, the size of the headlines and the layout of the front page indicate the importance of articles. Unlike traditional online news formats, the newspaper page view shows how much space and attention each article receives, providing valuable insights. If your app has this feature, it's worth using. Next time, we'll explore reading techniques using articles from international newspapers.


Newspapers are vital for engaging client conversations and staying informed about your industry. Beginners should start with headlines and gradually develop a reading habit. Utilize the digital page view feature to efficiently access important information.
